Valentino is only three years old, although he looks a bit older. He is a medium-size lad (approximately 20kg) saved from the public shelter death row. He was ridiculously scared when we first got him but now, after a couple of months with us, he is much more confident and friendly. All he wants is love, really! Valentino needs a gentle, loving family, and he is also available for long distance adoption/sponsorship.
Valentino are doar trei ani, desi pare ceva mai in varsta. Este un flacau de talie medie (in jur de 20kg) care a fost salvat de la moarte din adapostul public. La inceput era foarte speriat si fricos dar, dupa ceva timp la noi, a inceput sa prinda incredere. Acum este un baiat scump, prietenos, si cere multa dragoste! Valentino are nevoie de o familie linistita, cu multa iubire de oferit. Poate fi adoptat si la distanta.