

For adoption


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Sterilized, Vacinated, Special needs

Sasha is a medium-size girl, about four years old. She is a survivor of the Rainbow Shelter tragedy. For those of you who haven’t heard the horrible story of Rainbow Shelter, it’s where over a hundred dogs and cats were locked up and left to starve this past winter. When a small group of people could finally break in to check on the dogs, they found a horror scene of dead and mangled animal bodies who must have gone through unimaginable pain before their death. It is a miracle that any dogs managed to survive… and Sasha is one of them. However, it is no wonder that she is afraid of people, although she now allows people to touch her. For the time being, Sasha lives inside the clinic. She is protective of her space and food. We believe that her psychological wounds can heal with a bit more time and a loving environment. Sasha is also available for long distance adoption/sponsorship.

Sasha este o fetita de talie medie in jur de patru ani. Este o supravietuitoare a tragediei de la Rainbow Shelter, unde peste o suta de caini si pisici au fost pur si simplu incuiati toata iarna si lasati sa moara de foame in chinuri groaznice. Este un miracol ca au supravietuit cateva suflete! Sasha este unul dintre ele, dar nu-I de mirare ca este foarte speriata de tot ce misca. Deocamdata, Sasha locuieste la noi in clinica, unde de-abia se misca din coltul ei. Isi protejeaza spatial si mancarea, dar ne lasa acum sa o atingem. Credem ca traumele ei psihice se pot rezolva cu timpul, si cu ajutorul unul mediu calm si iubitor. Sasha poate fi adoptata si la distanta.

Ioana Pop