Gorgeous Nele was rescued from Sanpetru, Brasov, along with her 14 siblings. She is only one year old, weighs about 20kg, and is drop dead gorgeous! She has tons of energy, but she is super intelligent and receptive to human interaction. If you were willing to invest a bit of time and effort in her education, you’d get the most amazing friend for life. Also available for long distance adoption/sponsorship.
Superbitatea de Nele a fost salvata din Sanpetru, Brasov, impreuna cu 14 frati si surori. Aceasta fetita frumoasa are aproximativ 20 kg, este plina de energie, extrem de inteligenta, si foarte receptiva interactiunii umane. Daca ii poti acorda un pic de timp si efort, vei avea cea mai minunata prietena pentru tot restul vietii! Nele poate fi adoptata si la distanta.