Juna is not only adorable, but she is like the mother of all dogs: she cares for others, makes sure that everybody is doing what they’re supposed to do, and she puts them in their place when it gets chaotic. She is not at all aggressive, but she is firm, and appreciates her peace and quiet. She walks super nice on lead, loves all people, and really needs a home! Juna is also available for long distance adoption/sponsorship.
Juna nu este doar adorabila, ci si un fel de mamica a cateilor: are grija de toata lumea, dar stie sa-i si puna la punct cand nu fac ce trebuie. Nu este deloc agresiva, dar are acea calitate de parinte care stie sa-si exprime preferintele. Juna apreciaza o atmosfera linistita, merge foarte frumos in lesa, iubeste oamenii, si are mare nevoie de o casuta a ei! Poate fi adoptata si la distanta.